Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Money! Money! Money!

Does the name Charles Darrow ring a bell with you? Probably not, but it is very likely you are familiar with what he did. During the great depression of the early 1930’s, Mr. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania was an unemployed heating engineer. With plenty of spare time on his hands, he began developing a new board game that he made and reproduced by hand. In 1935, Parker Brothers purchased the game called “Monopoly.” Since that time, more than 90 million Monopoly games have been sold. The object of the game is strictly capitalistic. The more financial gain you achieve, the better your chances of winning. That sounds a lot like the “real world” we live in today. He with the “most toys wins!” Things done by many people are tied to the acquisition of the next dollar. Often, the more lasting, valuable things are shoved aside. The problem with this kind of living? When you come to the end, you realize you have lost! 1 Timothy 6:7 says, “For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” Let’s remember today the really important things and keep our lives in perspective. I wish all the best to you, today and everyday.
~ Clark Sims

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is Love?

How was Valentines Day for you yesterday? Did you spend it with someone special? Last Friday the youth group at our church had a Valentines progressive dinner. At the conclusion of the dinner I asked them to give me a top 16 list of what they are or will be looking for in a date. We then discussed what they should be looking for in a date from I Corinthians 13 and what love is. The comparison of the teens top 16 list and the list of 16 things love is and isn’t from I Corinthians 13 are interesting to compare. Here they are.

The Top 16 Things the Teens at Cottondale church of Christ are looking for in a Date:
A Christian
Not Full of Themselves
Fun to Be Around
Good Listener
Good Style
Good with Money
Not Jealous
Not Underweight or Morbidly Obese
Self Control
Positive Attitude
Physically Attractive

The 16 things I Corinthians 13 says love is:
Not Jealous
Does Not Brag
Not Arrogant
Does Not Behave Rudely
Does Not Seek Its Own
Not Provoked
Thinks No Evil
Does Not Rejoice in Unrighteousness
Rejoices with the Truth
Bears All Things
Believes All Things
Hopes All Things
Endures All Things
It Never Fails

If you are dating, I hope you will consider looking for the characteristics of the second list in the person you will date, love, and marry some day. If you are a parent, I hope both of these lists will help you in teaching your children what to look for in a future marriage partner.
~ Charles Steiner