Friday, April 29, 2011

Donate for Disaster Relief in Tuscaloosa Through PayPal

Dear Friends,

As you probably know our community of Tuscaloosa, AL was devastated by a Tornado on 4/27/11. Many have lost their own lives, everything they own, and loved ones. You can now give electronically through Pay Pal to the Tuscaloosa Tornado Disaster Relief Fund sponsored by Cottondale church of Christ. Churches have requested we set this up to allow funds to reach us more quickly. This works the same way as when you use Pay Pal using Ebay. All donations will be used to provide relief to those affected by the Tornado. Go to this link below to give. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Two Disaster Relief Teams Are Working Tomorrow. Can You Help?

Cottondale church of Christ has two teams of volunteers giving relief in Tuscaloosa tomorrow in the aftermath of the Tornado that destroyed our town. Can you help us?

Team 1 will be distributing water and snacks at the fire college by University Mall from 9-2 pm. If you can help this team call Tracie Sims at (205) 310-3359. They will meet at Cottondale church of Christ at 8:15 am.

Team 2 will be assisting David and Erica Watkins recover their belongings and clean up their yard. Their home was destroyed by the Tornado. Molly Blomeley will be keeping the Watkins children and Erica’s sister’s children. She could use some additional help. If you can help this team call Charles Steiner at (205) 310-2480. They will meet at Cottondale church of Christ at 9:15 am.

Tuscaloosa Disaster Relief

Cottondale church of Christ is collecting donations to provide disaster relief in the aftermath of the tornado that has left Tuscaloosa, AL devastated. Donations can be sent to:
Cottondale Church of Christ
2025 Prude Mill Road
Cottondale, AL 35453
Call (205) 310-2480 to get more information.
All donations will go to provide relief for those in need in Tuscaloosa. Thank you.