Monday, March 11, 2013

Help for Today: The Enemy
Text: Matthew 2

King Herod was the absolute counter to the wise men we talked about yesterday. While they searched to find and worship Him, Herod had a very different view. A young child he had never seen posed a threat to Herod that, basically, consumed him. His actions directed toward the threatening one were drastic and cruel. Compassion did not seem to be high on Herod’s priority list. His actions, from lying to killing, were wicked and worldly. His focus was clear and obvious. No matter what it takes. No matter who it hurts. I must get rid of the “King of the Jews.”

On the surface, I would think it would be hard for any of you good people reading this e-mail to relate to the sentiment of Herod. But wait a second. Remember that same Jesus said, “He that is not with Me is against Me.” He also said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” While Herod’s efforts seem to be so extreme and physical, what word would you use to describe someone who did not do what He said. Could it be that I, like Herod, am an enemy of Jesus? How does that question grad you today? If I do not obey Him, I make myself to be His enemy. If I do not obey Him, I do not love Him. Herod, and his evil intentions, seems to be so far removed from anything we know. I’m afraid we need to look deeper. Today. I’m not an enemy of Jesus, am I?

All the best and I hope this gives you “Help for Today”.

~ Clark Sims 

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