Monday, September 16, 2013

Hear Him (Luke 9:28-36)

 On many levels, I can appreciate the excitement and sentiment of Peter as he witnessed a conversation between Jesus, Moses and Elijah. After all, this was a collision of his worlds. This was a conversation between two names he had known and heard his entire life. For a Jewish boy in Biblical days, the names just do not get more prominent than Moses and Elijah. These names were a part of the history of God’s people. These names were a part of Peter’s history. Here they were on the mount called Transfiguration in conversation with Jesus, the one he had dropped his nets to follow. I can have an understanding of what he meant when he said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” It was at that point that the Father made clear a powerful reality to Peter, Clark and the rest of us. He made a statement of priority, preeminence and who the one and only one is that is His Son! A voice came out of the cloud and said, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” Moses and Elijah were wonderful men who contributed much to the history of God’s people, but let us be very clear. If Moses and Elijah are saved eternally, they will be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no one like Him. No one compares. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! Hear Him!


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