Monday, January 28, 2013

Help for Today: 
Are You Positioning Yourself Right?
Text: 2 Samuel 11

 “It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle…But David remained at Jerusalem.” Please don’t get ahead of me. I know you are already thinking about the trouble that King David is about to face. But, today, I want you to focus on where his trouble started. He was not where he was supposed to be. He stayed behind. He remained in Jerusalem. While his men were on the battlefield, he was back in Jerusalem. The temptation he is about to face was in Jerusalem, where David should not have been. Bathsheba’s husband was on the battlefield, where David should have been. Think with me for a moment. Think of the greatest temptations you have faced. Think of the times you have given in to the allure of the enemy. How many of those temptations would have “gone away” if you had put yourself in the right place? You know the “buttons” the enemy pushes with you. You know the areas where he is most effective, and where you are most vulnerable. Watch where you are. Watch the environments you are in. Be careful where you position yourself. To your own self be true! No one knows you like you do. Be where you are supposed to be! Today.

All the best and I hope this gives you "Help for Today”

~ Clark Sims

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