Help for Today: The Other Guy
Text: Jonah 3 & 4
How did Jonah not see it? God was willing to forgive Nineveh in just the same way He forgave Jonah. Did they deserve forgiveness? No! Neither did he. But, God is still “longsuffering,” not wanting any to perish but wanting all to come to repentance. As He forgave a repentant Jonah, He determined to forgive Nineveh, too. They turned from their evil way, God saw it and He forgave. (By the way, I benefit from that forgiveness, too!) But, Jonah did not see it. While he valued his “personal forgiveness,” he just could not come to grips with God’s forgiveness of the “other guy.” That is different! They are not like me. I knew God would do something like this. They deserved to be destroyed. God knew it. Jonah knew it. Actually, I know it, too. Jonah, listen to me. Take a step back and breath. Then thank God that we, as we are faithful, committed and obedient to a loving, forgiving God, do not get what we deserve…We get what we need!!! Our great need is forgiveness. As accountable, responsible people we are all lumped in to the same basket. Our great need is forgiveness. Thank you God for forgiveness. The other guy is no worse than I am. Our need is the same. Forgiveness! I encourage you to give that a thought or two today. We are so blessed!
All the best and I hope this gives you “Help for Today”
~ Clark Sims
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