Monday, February 11, 2013

Help for Today: Glorified and Magnified  
Text: Matthew 17

          While Peter was weary, the carpenter’s Son, who went to the mountain to pray, began showing the form of deity. This is God’s Son! His face was altered and His robe became white and glistening. It was a spiritual presence where men of renown from yesterday joined him. Moses and Elijah joined him. The…Moses and Elijah. Peter, you do not want to miss this. Your Teacher is very special. When he fully woke up, he saw Jesus in all His glory. He saw the men with Him. He recognized who they were. He had an idea. On the surface, it appeared to be a good idea. However, his idea revealed he still did not really grasp who the Teacher was. The voice of God, coming from a cloud, is about to make abundantly clear whom this glorified teacher really is. He really is the King of King and Lord of Lords. 

“This is My beloved Son, Hear Him!” The words were very similar to the words of the Father as He sent His Son on His way to begin His earthly ministry. But, this time there was an addition. This time the Father added words Peter needed to hear. Actually, he added words I need to hear. “Hear Him.” Listen to Him. Pay attention to Him. There is no one like Him. I can see the challenge it must have been to someone like Peter. After all, he had been raised on the words of Moses, the lawgiver. The Father makes clear that His Son brings new words, new law with His complete approval. The one who was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger in a barn because there was no room in the inn is being magnified and identified by the Creator of the universe. Peter, you do not need to sleep through these kinds of moments. Hear Him today.

All the best and I hope this gives you "Help for Today”.

~ Clark Sims

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