Thursday, February 7, 2013

Help for Today: A More Important Pursuit        
Text: 1 Kings 18

While in the south lives seem to beat and flow with the signing of a scholarship by an 18 year old football player, today we will be speaking of a much more important pursuit. The “ultimate recruiting” started somewhere around Genesis 3 and it continues even now. A “recruitment” for the soul of man takes place from the point of accountability until a person breathes their last breath. The Father does not want “any to perish” and the Son speaks of mansions being built. The enemy promotes an “enjoyment of the pleasures of sin.” And the battle rages…The Son established basic ground rules when He said you, “cannot serve God and mammon (worldliness, materialism).” There is no room in the middle. There is no fence to straddle. You’ve got to choose. Elijah speaks to the Israelites in 1 Kings 18, who were trying to have a relationship with God and Baal at the same time. He told them to “make up their mind.” If you are going to serve God, serve Him. If you choose the other side…well, you are doing no good on the fence. Make up your mind. Both sides really want you. Frankly, they want you for different reasons. I hope today you are ready to live with the choice you have made. And if you’ve made the wrong choice up till now, aren’t you thankful it is not too late. (By the way, there will come a day when it will be too late!) God bless you today!

All the best and I hope this gives you "Help for Today”.

~ Clark Sims

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