Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Help for Today: The Pursuit
Text: 1 Kings 18

Today is a fascinating day in the world of college football. This is the day that young men will be able to put their names on a scholarship to “seal the deal” for their choice of a college to attend and play football. I can only imagine the world wind these young men, and their families, have been through. Coaches, fans, students have tried to “encourage” these young men toward their schools. The schools might use different methods but the inquiry is the same. We want you! There is no school for you like this school. Decisions, Decisions! But, sometime today, these young men will put their name on that scholarship and everything will change. In the amount of time it takes to write their name everything will change. They have “accepted” the offer and now they “live” to the standard of the one who offers. That friendly face so encouraging of you to “come to their school” now influences food, sleep and manor of life. It is the life you have chosen. Consider this “pursuit” today, look at 1 Kings 18 and read with me tomorrow of a very real “spiritual application” to this fascinating “pursuit.” God bless you today.

All the best and I hope this gives you "Help for Today”.

~ Clark Sims

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